One of the founding principles for Archetype Images is to work with Chicago professionals who are serious about their profession, who take responsibility for their professionalism instead of relying on "talent," and "luck" alone to bring them success. Many lose sight of the fact that as an actor or musician or director, they are offering a service in a very tough business. And in marketing themselves, they frequently misunderstand the typical agent and photographer advice to get headshots that "show who you are." What is left out of that statement is "who you are within a specific context." It is up to the professional to define the context in which he wants to be seen, or in other words to target his marketing efforts so that the people who are interested in buying his services know exactly what services he offers.

Dominic Bogart is a passionate actor. Rarely have I worked with an actor who understood better that he works within an industry, and yet has found a way to embrace the artistry of that industry. Currently appearing in
Jersey Boys, Dominic loves...loves ... what he does. But if the truth were told, he really wants a shot at working on darker material. Like many actors, Hamlet is his dream role. During our shoot he told me that he could be prepared to go on in the role in less than two weeks. He's the perfect Hamlet type. He has the perfect energy for the role. Yet, if you read his resume, you'd assume that his focus is national musical tours. He's played Jesus in
Jesus Christ Superstar, and Mark in
Rent. So, how does he get from the company of
Jersey Boys to a paying gig as Hamlet?

Well, his first step is to help the people who hire Hamlets to see him as that character. Standing alone, each of these shots is a great picture of Dominic, but they may be a little too specific to use as a stand-alone headshot. Most agents would tell him to reshoot and get rid of the shadows. They don't do anything to enhance his current brand as a reliable, commercial actor with a strong resume in musical theater and independent film. That, however, does not mean that these shots can't or shouldn't be used. One example might be to use these shots as a border on a website, that features his resume with his national tour and independent film credits. With a very specific style, these shots enhance Dominic's brand as a serious actor, a casting director can see a dimension that perhaps his current resume may not indicate.
A website is something that a serious actor should start giving some serious consideration to. In the very, very near future an actor without a website is going to be looked upon as unfortunate; just as an actor without a headshot is viewed today. And an actor who goes into a photoshoot just wanting a headshot that shows "who he is" will really be missing an opportunity to define his brand and expand his market presence. Instead of asking for a "commercial" and a "dramatic" headshot, actors should be asking for headshots that target specific roles, precise segments of the entertainment industry, and taking advantage of the growing influence of digital media for marketing themselves.
Check out the Archetype Images website to see the other images from Dominic's shoot that define him commercial and leading man roles.
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