Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jay Johnson

Specificity really is the key to a successful headshot, just as it is in acting.

Jay and I met to discuss his career goals. Recently retired from the military, Jay is working on his masters degree and focusing on his first love, acting. When I asked him what types of roles he saw himself playing, he said, "professor." This was a great jumping off point for our photo session.

We talked about what visually communicated "professor," and quickly discarded tweed jacket and pipe as being to on-the-nose. Still, we wanted casting directors to get a sense that Jay was intelligent and warm. We settled on a background of books and an apple as a prop.

In creating a specific shot, we came up with one that is also universal. Jay is warm and inviting and any casting director looking for a professor is going to stop and seriously consider this picture. But because there's a universal appeal in the pose and smile, Jay is going to be considered for 'young dad,' 'good boyfriend,' and 'stand-up guy.' By being specific in the intention in the picture, we've created a shot that stops a viewer who is flipping through a stack of resumes and will consider him for a number of different types of roles.

Check out the Archetype website to see another example from Jay's shoot.

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